Monday 30 November 2009


Dearest Minions,

Every Christmas enough wrapping paper is chucked in the bin to cover Gurnsey (have a look at recyclezone for some facts and figures.) This is bollocks, just cover it in paper and tie a bow.

I have decided to wage war this Christmas, on wrapping paper. I am going to use bags (made and bought) and recycle old wrapping paper and packaging. I will try to use bags as much as possible so that they can be passed, on re-used, given to the ugly ect.

Above is an example of the pyjamas that are given immortality (ok maybe just a bit more time) by being turned into gift bags.

Join ME and save the channel islands! Bergrac needs YOU!



Almost Mrs Average said...

I am a proud owner of a piece of pyjamas. Thank you :-D xxx

Elegia said...

Oh no, this is a the best way to use pajamas :DDD